Central Texas Electric Donation
On December 22, 2014 Bluebonnet CASA was granted $1,000 from Central Texas Electric Company- Operation Round Up.
Here’s what it is. By allowing CTEC to “round up” your electric bill to the next whole dollar amount each month, CTEC’s over 23,000 members can make a big difference with small change in the area served by CTEC. Your pennies, nickels and dimes can help raise thousands of dollars every year. And those dollars will be used to help your neighbors right here in your own communities. Health and rescue organizations, food banks, educational projects, child care programs and individuals with special needs are just a few of the possibilities for your Operation Round-Up donations.
These fund will assist Bluebonnet CASA in supporting our kids and volunteers as we work towards our mission. Our organization thrives on the generosity of local supporters like Central Texas Electric Company. We can’t thank you enough for thinking of us and supporting us as we work towards giving every child in care of the state an advocate.