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2015 Pumpkin Sale!

11228899_1220769091271763_3489021551250539848_nEvery year, as fall approaches, Bluebonnet CASA hosts a pumpkin sale in Mason and Junction to raise funds in order to purchase Christmas gifts for all of the children in our 5 county region. We purchase the pumpkins from a local farm in Mason County and sell them to members of the community. 100% of the proceeds from the pumpkin sale go towards our children in care. We extend out most sincere gratitude for the amount of support given to Bluebonnet CASA. Our mission wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for the giving members throughout Mason, Menard, McCulloch, Kimble & Edwards County.

Bluebonnet CASA would like to thank EVERYONE for the support given at our annual Pumpkin Sale in Junction and Mason! It was a huge success. Like every year, you have made it possible for the children in Bluebonnet CASA’s care to have a brighter Christmas through gifts and other needed items. Bluebonnet CASA is currently serving 38 children and the funds raised will enable us to continue to make these children’s Christmas brighter! A Special thanks goes to our board members and volunteers, Thain Martin, Nickie & 12096538_1224827437532595_8773361233786353368_nAnn Nobles, Donna Johnson, Mason County Courthouse for the use of their lawn, the Mason County Queen’s Court, the Friends of Bluebonnet CASA, Elissa Hooper and Irene Alvarado for selling the pumpkins in Junction, the City of Junction for allowing CASA to use the Court House lawn, the Junction trustees and staff & the Mason Punchers and coaching staff for helping unload the pumpkins and all of those who purchased pumpkins to show their support of Bluebonnet CASA. We wish everyone a wonderful fall season and thank you for helping Bluebonnet CASA reach the abused and neglected children of Mason, Menard, McCulloch, Kimble and Edwards County.

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